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  • Techrich Corporation TOS (Terms Of Service) and Privacy Policy

    I. General a. This agreement represents the complete agreement and understanding between Techrich Corporation Limited, hereinafter called Techrich Corporation Limited or "We" and the person or organization who suscribes to Techrich Corporation Limited's Service hereinafter called Customer or "You". b. This Agreement sets forth the Terms and Conditions that apply to use of the Service by you. By using the Service, you agree to comply with all o........
  • Hong Kong and China Complement Each Other

    There are many benefits to having a presence in both Hong Kong and China, they are unique market,s........
  • Why Host Your Business In Hong Kong?

    Hong Kong is an excellent, if not the most ideal place in Asia to host your data and offers a combination of advantages that no other place can offer.........
  • 中国云端VPS - China VPS Hosting Packages

    中国云端VPS的特点 科富公司的中国大陆网络事业部针对中国国内和国际路由进行了优化,而中国的大多数供应商几乎没有国际带宽。我们在中国的服务旨在........
  • 美国云端VPS - USA VPS Cloud Hosting Packages

  • 香港务器租用 - Hong Kong Dedicated Server Hosting Packages

    香港务器租用的特点 科富公司的香港网络是独一无二的。我们优化了直接,快速到中国大陆的连接。香港的许多网络和供应商都没有优化。其他供应........
  • 香港云端VPS - Hong Kong Cloud VPS Hosting Packages

    香港云端VPS的特点 科富公司的香港网络是独一无二的。我们优化了直接,快速到中国大陆的连接。香港的许多网络和供应商都没有优化。其他供应商经常通........
  • 首页 - Home

    为什么选择科灃有限公司 科富公司以极具竞争力的价格提供安全,可靠和创新的IT和托管服务。........