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  • 付款方式 - How To Pay

    用户付款注意事项: 1.底单传真务必及时,否则会耽误您的注册及生效。 2.底单上请写上您的联系人姓名、联系电话,以便和您联系。 3.银行电汇凭证须有银行加盖的转讫章;邮局回执上应有邮局日戳。 4.建议使用各银行系统内在线支付。如果使用以下汇款,请将付款凭证传真到 customer.service........
  • Techrich Corporation TOS (Terms Of Service) and Privacy Policy

    I. General a. This agreement represents the complete agreement and understanding between Techrich Corporation Limited, hereinafter called Techrich Corporation Limited or "We" and the person or organization who suscribes to Techrich Corporation Limited's Service hereinafter called Customer or "You". b. This Agreement sets forth the Terms and Conditions that apply to use of the Service by you. By using the Service, you agree to comply with all o........
  • Hong Kong and China Complement Each Other

    There are many benefits to having a presence in both Hong Kong and China, they are unique market,s........
  • Why Host Your Business In Hong Kong?

    Hong Kong is an excellent, if not the most ideal place in Asia to host your data and offers a combination of advantages that no other place can offer.........
  • 关于我们 科灃有限公司 - About Techrich Corporation Limited

    p { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; direction: ltr; line-height: 120%; text-align: justify; } p { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; direction: ltr; line-height: 120%; text-align: justify; } 科灃公司是位于中国香港的电信运营商和网络供应商,专门从事IT咨询服务。我们的........